To maximize your enjoyment of our online learning platform there are a few technical requirements we want you to be aware of.
For the best experience we strongly recommend using a desktop / laptop PC or Mac running the latest Chrome, Edge or Firefox browsers as the Virtual Lab is not accessible from mobile devices. If you prefer to use Safari please accept 3rd party cookies before starting the course. We’ve set everything up for you so that you can enjoy the course from your browser. The only requirement is for Mac and Linux users to have an RDP client pre-installed on your local machine – and you are ready to go. Minimum recommended hardware specs are as follows:
Macintosh (OSX)
If you are attempting to access the platform on a mobile device (smartphone / tablet), please go through the system check at kasperskyxtraining.com and see if your settings meet the recommended requirements. For fast performance we recommend iPhone 6+ and Android 8+ with the latest HTML5 compliant browsers.
Virtual Lab exercises
The Virtual Lab is not compatible with mobile devices because it requires the installation of an RDP client. Tablets will function but the user experience will not be optimal so our recommendation is to use a desktop PC or Mac to access the Virtual Lab.